The Bible suggests many topics for intercessory prayer, some of which are rarely heard in our churches. Scripture and Christian experience also suggest that different patterns of prayer can be helpful for involving people and edifying the church. In addition to those listed here, other patterns for intercession may be found in An Australian Prayer Book, pp. 91-102, A Prayer Book for Australia, pp. 184-87, and New Patterns for Worship, pp. 185-218. It is easier to concentrate on prayers that are not too long and invite a congregational response on a regular basis. Spontaneous or extempore prayer can be broken up by responses such as these, signalling a change of topic:
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
Father, hear our prayer,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God of grace,
hear our prayer.
10.1 |
Almighty God, your Son Jesus Christ has promised that you will hear us when we ask in faith: receive the prayers we offer. We give thanks for... We pray for... Strengthen your people for their witness and work in the world. Fill your ministers with your Spirit, that they may faithfully preach the gospel and administer your holy sacraments. Unite in the truth all who confess your name, that we may live together in love and proclaim your glory in all the world. We give thanks for... We pray for... Give wisdom to those in authority in every land, and give to all peoples a desire for righteousness and peace, with the will to work together in trust, to seek the common good and to share with justice the resources of the earth,. We give thanks for... We pray for...our community: We commend to your keeping, Father, ourselves and each other, our families, our neighbours, and our friends. Enable us by your Spirit to live in love for you and for one another. We give thanks for... We pray for... those in need: Comfort and heal, merciful Lord, all who are in sorrow, need, sickness, or any other trouble. Give them a firm trust in your goodness; help those who minister to them; and bring us all into the joy of your salvation. We give thanks for the life and witness of... Hear us, Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, An Australian Prayer Book, as modified in Sunday Services |
10.2 |
Gracious Father, We give thanks for... We pray for... the nations: We give thanks for... We pray for...the Church: We give thanks for... We pray for...those in need: We give thanks for the life and work of... Hear us, Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, A Prayer Book for Australia (modified). |
10.3 |
God of everlasting love, We pray for the welfare of your church here on earth: We commend to your fatherly goodness Relieve them according to their needs, Sunday Services (modified) |
10.4 |
Almighty God, All governments rule under your authority. Enable those who are engaged in industry and commerce, Comfort and strengthen those who are gripped by poverty, Inspire your church here on earth to proclaim the gospel of your love Help your people to display your compassion to all those in need. Sunday Services (modified) |