Following the exhortations to prepare for a godly participation in the Lord's Supper, The Book of Common Prayer provides a general confession of sins, a declaration of forgiveness, and 'the Comfortable Words' (biblical texts assuring believers of their forgiveness in Christ). A range of confessions and declarations of forgiveness suitable for use at this point can be found in Resources for Services of the Word, sections 5 and 6. The Prayer Book then goes on to provide another means of preparation in the so-called 'Prayer of Humble Access' (reproduced in modern versions below). Three significant changes have been made with regard to this sequence in the Second Order of Holy Communion in both Australian Prayer Books. First, if the option of having a general confession of sin and declaration of forgiveness at the beginning of the service is chosen, the Prayer of Humble Access functions as the main prayer of preparation for communion. Second, the Comfortable Words and additional biblical texts are moved to introduce this section of preparation, rather than concluding it. Third, even when there is to be a confession and absolution at this point, the Prayer of Humble Access comes first, as a direct response to the words of invitation or an exhortation. Whatever the choice, some form of reflection and congregational prayer is appropriate before the Thanksgiving or Eucharistic Prayer.
3.1 |
We do not presume to come to your table, merciful Lord, An Australian Prayer Book |
3.2 |
Merciful Lord, we come here to your table Sunday Services (altered) |
3.3 |
Most merciful Lord, your love compels us to come in. Common Worship |