Modern liturgies have recognised the need to express both the 'horizontal' and the 'vertical' aspects of the Lord's Supper. After prayers of confession and assurances of God's forgiveness, or a single prayer of preparation, it is appropriate to acknowledge one another as the body of Christ in some way. A formal, liturgical greeting may introduce a time when members of a congregation share a greeting such as 'Peace be with you' or something more informal.
4.1 |
We are the body of Christ. An Australian Prayer Book |
4.2 |
Christ has reconciled us to God in one body by the cross. A Prayer Book for Australia |
4.3 |
'Where two or three are gathered together in my name,' Cf. Matthew 18:20 |
4.4 |
Since we are justified by faith, Cf. Romans 5:1-2 |
4.5 |
Once we were far off, Cf. Ephesians 2:13 |