This page explains how to create your own Templates in ServiceBuilder. For instructions on how to use the pre-defined templates in ServiceBuilder, click here.
Before you can begin to create a Personal Template, you need to be be logged in to the system. If you haven't already applied for a user account at BetterGatherings, you need to use the login menu on the lower left hand side of this screen, or click on this link.
To create a new Personal Template, you first open an existing template and then save it. Start ServiceBuilder, and choose an existing template that is closest in format to what you wish to create. Click "Next" to proceed to step 2 in the process. At the top of this screen is a button that says "Create Personal Template". Click this button now.
The selected template will now display in edit mode. You must suppy a name for the new template that you are creating. Then make any neccessary changes to the template. Once you have finsished editing the template, click on the button that says "Save and Return to Template". See below for futher information about codes you can use in a template
To open and edit an existing template
When you are logged in, all templates saved under your user name will be displayed in the Personal Templates dropdown. Select a template and press next to proceed to step 2. Use the "edit template" button at the top of this page to edit an existing saved template.
To delete a personal template
Select a previously saved template from the Personal Templates list, and click the delete button.
Template Format Codes
A simple template might look like this
Service Name
{Song}{Creed Default=Apostle's Creed}
Bible: [Textarea]
Special Elements in the template are enclosed within braces {}. There are two types of elements - Variables and Resources.
Variables List (with sample data)
{CalendarDate} = "22/08/2010"
{CalendarDateLong} = "22 August 2010"
{SundayNameAABP} = "Ordinary Sunday 21"
{SundayNameBCP} = "Trinity 12"
{SeasonalName} = ""
{Colour} = "Green"
{ServiceDate} = "26/08/2010"
{ServiceDateLong} = "26 August 2010"
{TemplateName} = "Communion (First Order)"
{UserName} = "mstead"
Resources List
{Seasonal Sentences}
{Greetings Introductions}
{Assurance of Forgiveness}
{Funeral Hymns}
{Collect (AAPB 2)}
{Opening Prayers}
{Expressions of Praise}
{Intercessory Prayers}
{Other Prayers}
{Concluding Prayers and Blessings}
{Proper Preface}
{Communion Exhortations}
{Scriptural Introductions}
{Prayers of Preparation}
{Greeting of Peace}
{Thanksgiving and Consecration}
{Breaking of the Bread}
{Thanksgiving and Dedication}
Specifying Default values for resources
A "default" item can be specified for a resource lookup, using either a static value or a variable. The syntax is as follows:
{Creed Default=Athanasian Creed}
{Collect Default={Sunday Name}}
Hiding sections of a service in the detailed and summary outputs
material between the tags {rubric} and {/rubric} will only appear on the runsheet.material between the tags {leaderonly} and {/leaderonly} will appear on the detailed export but not the summary export.