
  • What kind of songs should we be singing?
  • Is there a case for mixing more traditional hymns with contemporary songs?
  • Who should choose the songs we sing together and where should they be placed in a service?
  • What drives the choice of music in your church?

Discussion starter:

'Shout to the Lord' is very popular in some circles, but it is widely panned by others. Some say there is an inappropriate emotional intensity and personal focus in this song - 'its all about me and my Jesus'. But there are parallels to almost every phrase or thought in the song somewhere in the book of Psalms (e.g. 63, 138) or in other songs in the OT.

  • So how valid are the criticisms?
  • What may be driving these criticisms?
1. The role of singing in the Bible

2. Singing and corporate worship

3. Some practical matters